Columbia, SC /travel/rail/columbia-travel-amtrak.html”>Via Amtrak | /travel/driving/columbia-travel-driving.html”>Via Automobile | /travel/hotel/columbia-travel-hotel.html”>Columbia Hotels | /travel/dining/columbia-travel-dining.html”>Columbia Dining | /travel/-travel.html”>Travel Home Airport:Columbia Metropolitan Airport is conveniently located to interstate highways I-26, I-20, I-77 and nearby I-95. The Columbia Metropolitan Airport is much like a 2600-acre city with more than 50 agencies and businesses located on the airport property. Air passenger and cargo service is provided by scheduled airlines, jet freight carriers, two fixed base operators, and various charter flights. Air operations are conducted on an 8600′ x 150′ runway and an 8000′ x 150′ runway.
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December 10, 2024