Dec. 30, 2011
Now is the time to make a gift to IPTAY before the end of the calendar year! The second round of IPTAY 2012 membership reminders have been delivered if you haven’t already made your pledge for this year.
There are four convenient options for making your gift to IPTAY:
1.Checks and credit card payments should be mailed to IPTAY, Post Office Box 1529, Clemson, SC 29633. To meet the calendar year end deadline, gifts must be postmarked on or before December 31.
2.Online at
3.To complete your gift by phone, please call 864-656-2115 or 1-800-CLEMSON.
4.To hand-deliver your gift, please come to the IPTAY office, located at 1 Avenue of Champions in Clemson, SC. For your convenience, there is an after-hours drop box located on the left side of our building. The University in general will be closed for the holidays Friday, December 23 – Friday, December 30.
5.To make a gift of stock to IPTAY, please contact Mandy Smith at the Clemson University Foundation. Ms. Smith can be reached at 864-656-2552 or Gifts of stock must be received by the Foundation by the close of business on Friday, December 30. Please plan accordingly, keeping in mind that the transfer process can take several days.
You will receive a tax notice from our office in late January 2012 for gifts totaling $250 or more that were made in calendar year 2011. Always check with your tax professional but, as a general rule, your IPTAY contribution is 80% deductible if you purchase season tickets and 100% deductible if you give to IPTAY without any ticket purchases.
If you should have any questions, please stop by the IPTAY office, call 1-800-CLEMSON or e-mail
February 11, 2025
February 10, 2025