Vol. 5 No. 7 May 2003
Congratulations to John Lovett for his 100% on the 2003-2004NCAA coaches certification test. Coach Lovett was the only perfectscore out of 113 participants during the tests firstadministration!! Do we exempt him next year??
The make-up exam for the 2003-2004 NCAA coaches certificationexam will be on Wednesday, May 28 at 9:00 a.m. in the McFadden TeamRoom. Please bring your 2003-2003 NCAA manuals. Compliance serviceswill offer a review session beginning at 8:15 a.m.
Coaches – please provide compliance services with a copy of anofficial transcript, historical data form and a catalogue when yourequest an academic evaluation for a junior college or four-yeartransfer. Admissions are willing to give us a 7-10 day turn aroundtime when we have all these materials.
Recently the NCAA Board of Directors and Management Councilapproved the following legislation effective immediately:
Women’s Basketball
Telephone calls to prospects during the period of June 21through July 31 have been reduced from four to three. (NCAABylaw
Institutional staff members in attendance at non-scholasticcertified events are prohibited from having any communication witha prospect, the prospect’s coach or any other individual (parent,relative or legal guardian) associated with the prospect during thecertified event. (NCAA Bylaw
All Sports
A professional team is one that provides any of its playersmore than the value of actual and necessary expenses. Otherreasonable expenses provided (such as telephone calls and localentertainment) does not cause the team to be consideredprofessional under NCAA rules. (NCAA Bylaw12.02.4)
An institution may provide an additional meal or snack tostudent-athletes to meet their nutritional needs during thepreseason practice period prior to the start of the academic year.This will only affect fall sports. (NCAA Bylaw16.5.2-b)
Recently the NCAA Board of Directors and Management Councilapproved the following legislation effective August 1,2003:
Men’s and Women’s Basketball
An enrolled student-athlete attending a two-year collegiateinstitution may enter a professional league’s draft one time duringtheir collegiate career without jeopardizing eligibility in thatsport. This is permissible
athlete is not drafted by any team in that league and declarestheir intention to resume intercollegiate participation within 30days after the draft. (NCAA Bylaw
An enrolled student-athlete, who has entered a professionalleague’s draft pursuant to NCAA Bylaw, may accept actualand necessary travel and room and board expenses from aprofessional sports organization to attend the pre-draft campsponsored by the organization. The student-athlete must firstreceive written permission from the institution’s director ofathletics. (NCAA Bylaws, and16.11.1.9)
Has adopted a recruiting calendar effective next year.(NCAA Bylaw 30.11.7)
Camp brochures are no longer restricted in content or designbut are restricted to a single two-sided sheet not to exceed 17″ x22″ when opened in full. (NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1-c)
Student-athletes may retain frequent flyer points and/or milesearned during team travel. (NCAA Bylaw16.12.1.11-b)
An institution may pay the actual costs (but may not providecash) for reasonable entertainment that takes place within a30-mile radius of campus during vacation periods when the team isrequired to stay on campus for practice or competition and classesare not in session. (NCAA Bylaw 16.7.1)
All student-athletes (including those in graduate school) mustpast at least six hours of academic work during the precedingsemester in order to be eligible the next semester. (NCAABylaws and
Two year college transfers first entering NCAA institutions ona full-time basis on or after August 1, 2003 who were qualifiersout of high school may be eligible for competition at Division Iinstitutions during their first academic year in residenceprovided:
The student-athlete spent one full-time semester or quarter atthe two year college
Satisfactorily completed 12 semester or quarter hours oftransferable degree credit for each full time academic term ofattendance and;
Presented a minimum gpa of 2.0. (NCAA Bylaw14.5.4.1)
Men’s Swimming and Men’s Track and Field
To satisfy the minimum number of contests for sportsponsorship, men’s swimming and men’s track and field must scheduleand play at least 50 percent of its contests against NCAA DivisionI opponents. (NCAA Bylaw
Q: If a parent of a prospect approaches a coaching staff member at an off-campus event, can the coach talk with the parent?
A: Yes, if the coach has a contact remaining and the prospect is a senior. If the prospect is not a senior or if you have no more contacts ask the parent to call you at the office. Do not engage in further conversation. (NCAA Bylaw
Q: Is it permissible for NLI signees to use Vickery Hall and the training room during the summer?
A: Yes, provided the signee is enrolled in summer school at Clemson. (NCAA Bylaw 13.2.7)
Q: Are there any restrictions on the content of prospective student-athlete questionnaires?
A: The NCAA is out of the business of regulating the content of questionnaires. However, questionnaires may not have a detachable portion that is utilized as a poster. (NCAA Bylaw 13.4.1-j)
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December 3, 2024