Vol. 5 No. 4 November 2002
The following changes in NCAA legislation have been approved by the Division I Management Council:
Football student-athletes may enter a professional league’sdraft without jeopardizing their eligibility provided he declareshis intention to resume intercollegiate football participationwithin 72 hours after the date of the NFL draft declaration datefor that year and did not agree to be represented by an agent.(Effective immediately)
Men’s basketball evaluations during the April contact period atsites other than the prospect’s educational institution are limitedto Saturday and Sunday and may not occur on any weekend duringwhich the PSAT, SAT or ACT national standardized tests areadministered. (Effective immediately)
The number of core-course requirements for a qualifierincreased from 13 to 14 units. The new initial eligibility index isbased on a core GPA of 3.550, an SAT score of 400 or ACT of 37.Partial qualifiers are eliminated. Student-athletes first enteringClemson after August 1, 2003 can meet the current or new standard.After August 1, 2005 prospects must meet the new standard.(Effective August 1, 2003)
For student-athletes first entering Clemson on or after August1, 2003 the following satisfactory progress requirements must bemet:
24 semester hours must be completed before thestudent-athlete’s second year of collegiate enrollment;
18 semester hours must be completed in the previous academicyear and;
6 semester must be completed during the preceding regularacademic term in which the student-athlete was enrolled. (EffectiveAugust 1, 2003)
For student-athletes first entering Clemson on or after August1, 2003, the following progress toward degree requirements must bemet:
Degree percentages increased from 25/50/75 to 40/60/80;
Student-athletes entering their second year of enrollment mustpresent 90 percent of the minimum gpa (1.8)
Student-athletes entering their third academic year ofenrollment must present 95 percent of the minimum gpa (1.9) and;
Student-athletes entering their fourth or fifth academic yearof enrollment must present 100 percent of the minimum gpa (2.0).(Effective August 1, 2003)
In the sport of football and men’s basketball, two-year collegetransfer percentage of degree requirements (35%) for a partial ornon-qualifier have been eliminated. Two-year prospects thattransfer at the conclusion of their second year of enrollment mustmeet the ACC non-qualifier rule and 40% of their degree at Clemsonto be immediately eligible. (Effective August 1, 2003)
Student-athlete’s on- and/or off-campus employment earnings areexempted from both individual and institutional financial aidlimits. (Effective August 1, 2003)
In the sport of soccer, the number of student-athletes from thesame institution competing on the same team outside the academicyear has been reduced from six to five. (Effective immediately)
Athletically related activities that must be counted in theweekly or daily time limitations specified under Bylaw any required activity with an athletics purpose involvingstudent-athletes and at the direction of, or supervised by one ormore of an institution’s coaching staff (including strength andconditioning coaches). Administrative activities (e.g., academicmeetings, compliance meetings) are not be considered as countableathletically related activities. (Effective August 1, 2003)
Q: How will the new initial eligibility index be applied for this years freshman class?
A: The Initial Eligibility Clearinghouse (IEC) will evaluate a prospect’s transcript using the new index first (14 core and new sliding scale). If the prospect does not meet qualifier status using the new index, the IEC will evaluate under the old index (13 core and sliding scale). (NCAA Bylaw
Q: Is it permissible to use entertainment money to purchase another sports game program for a prospect while on their official visit?
A: No, it is not permissible to use entertainment money to purchase game programs. Entertainment money may only be used for entertainment and may not be used to purchase institutional memento items. (NCAA Bylaw
Q: Can partial qualifiers and/or transfer student-athletes serving their year of residence receive pre-game or post-game meals or snacks?
A: Yes, meals and snacks are considered incidental to participation. The student-athlete must be eligible for practice and may only receive these benefits for home games. (NCAA Bylaw 16.5.2)
Q: Is it permissible for undergraduate coaches to attend a prospect’s off-campus meal during their official visit?
A: Yes, it would be permissible for the undergraduate coach to attend the off-campus meal provided the coach pays for the cost of their own meal. (NCAA Bylaws 11.01.5, and
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