Sept. 22, 1999
CLEMSON, S.C. – The first 200 fans attending the Clemson-Arkansas volleyball match this Sunday (Sept. 26) at 1:00 pm in Jervey Gymnasium or the Clemson-Nebraska women’s soccer game at 2:00 pm at Historic Riggs Field this Sunday (Sept. 26) who exchange a wearable t-shirt, jacket, golf shirt or a hat of a rival college will receive a free Clemson t-shirt compliments of Central Spirit. Each fan will only be able to receive one Clemson t-shirt no matter how many rival shirts they exchange.
“We realize that people are given gifts from their parents, relatives and friends with logos of other universities. Without hurting anyone’s feelings, you usually accept these gifts even though you do not cheer for that particular school. What we are doing is allowing you to trade that wearable shirt, jacket, hat, etc… for a shirt that promotes the school and the team that you want to support” said Angela Snyder, Central Spirit President. The idea came from Adam Crowe, a sophomore majoring in Biochemistry from Atlanta who was talking to a friend in his dorm who was wearing a Duke shirt.
Central Spirit is a group of 100 Clemson University students who are responsible for “The First Friday Parade”, the organization of the Homecoming Float competition, pep rallies, distributing balloons and painting faces at all Clemson home football games and other selected athletic events on campus.
For more information concerning “Stomp Out The Rival Day” or any other Central Spirit activity, call Angela Snyder, Central Spirit President at (864) 654-5955.
February 7, 2025