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SAAC Meeting Minutes

Nov. 13, 2008

I. Dinner

II. President’s Overview — Rachel Regone

• Introduction and welcome

III. Review of Tigers in the Kitchen — Rochelle Kokayko

• Went great, lots of people showed up • Better promotion of the event and a better mix of athletes in the future

IV. Update on SAAC as a Campus Organization — Lauren Klas

• Process of “re-organization” is taking place now • We are not currently organized because of missing student government meetings

V. Update on Tiger Talk — Ashley Clay

• Program going well • Adding two schools this month

VI. Empower — Kathy Cauthen

• Empower is an alcohol safety program with an office located by the ’55 exchange in Hendrix • 1200 people at empower tailgate a few weeks ago surveyed about alcohol safety plans(Found that many students do have plans for alcohol safety; Also found many students are tailgating in “high-risk situations”) • Kathy needs to know how teams can implement alcohol safety measures in their seasons • Kathy needs an analysis of how her time can best be spent with athletes • Current projects: surveying community and students about alcohol (community needs assessment) (Top 3 findings/concerns of survey: Transportation, Inconsistency in law enforcement, Inconsistency in managerial core in apartment complexes)

VII. Student Athlete Opportunity Fund — Lauren Klas

• What should the money be spent on? — Alex Padgett • How do student athletes get the money? — Lisa Jedlicka • Discussion of taking out computer funds to free up around $110,000 • Rules on how money can be spent (No competitive advantage gained; Accessible to all athletes; Accountable to ACC; Not used to pay for existing programs) • Suggestions (Gas/car repairs, Laundry, Tiger stripe, Extra pell grant, Stipends, Traveling home)

VIII. SAAC representatives discussion items

• Student-athlete football tickets • Someone getting in touch with Travis Furbee

IX. Committee service divisions and committee meetings — Rachel Regone

X. Short meeting afterwards with Ginty and officers and committee chairs

Absent – Corey Brown, Sam Bryfczynski, Parker Rogers, David Newton
