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Current Student-Athletes

Current Student-Athletes

Current Student-Athletes

  • Academic Calendar
  • Clemson Alma Mater


  • Employment Form (completed via ARMS software)
  • Fee-for-Lesson
  • Request for Summer Financial Aid (completed via ARMS software)
  • Fifth-Year Aid Request
  • Banned Drug List
  • Host Entertainment Form
  • Extra Benefit Handout
  • Gambling Handout
  • Student-Athlete Weekly Activity Log (completed via ARMS software)
  • NCAA Summary of Regulations
  • Appearance Request Form (Promotional Activities)

Student-athlete tip sheets:

  • Social Media Interaction with Prospects
  • Outside Competition (for individual & team sports)
  • Employment
  • Voluntary vs Countable Athletically Related Activity
  • Concussion Safety Fact Sheet

Athletic EligibilityStudent-athletes are required to be enrolled in a minimum full-time degree program of studies throughout their collegiate career, as well as completing the following NCAA requirements:

Year GPA Credit Hours Percentage of Degree Declared Major
Freshman 1.8 24**
Sophomore 1.9# 18* 40%
Junior 2.0# 18* 60% By the first day
Senior 2.0# 18* 80%

# – GPA’s are certified after the completion of your freshman year and every semester thereafter** – Freshmen are permitted to earn 6 of the 24 credit hours during the summer* – All student-athletes have to pass 6 hours per semester to remain eligible the subsequent semester

Extra Benefits (NCAA Bylaw 16.02.3)An extra benefit is any special arrangement by an institutional employee or a representative of the institution’s athletics interests to provide a student-athlete or student-athlete’s relative or friend a benefit not expressly authorized by NCAA legislation. Receipt of a benefit by the student-athlete or the student-athletes’ relatives or friends is not a violation of NCAA legislation if it is demonstrated that the same benefit is generally available to the institution’s students or their relatives or friends or to a particular segment of the student body determined on a basis unrelated to athletics.

The following are examples of extra benefits or services that are prohibited under NCAA legislation:

  • Car of any use of a car or other transportation
  • Clothing
  • Haircut or other miscellaneous service
  • Gift(s)
  • Money, loan(s), a guarantee of bond or signing/co-signing of a note to arrange a loan
  • Ticket(s) for any kind of entertainment
  • Payment of long distance telephone calls
  • Free or reduced merchandise from a merchant (unless it is available to the general public)
  • Free or reduced meals at a restaurant
  • Free or reduced room and/or board from a booster (This includes in Clemson, your home city or any other location)
  • Members of the athletic department staff (including tutors) may not type reports, papers, letters, etc.
  • Special discounts, payment arrangements or credit on a purchase (e.g. airline tickets) or service (e.g. laundry, dry cleaning)

Boosters or Representatives of Athletic Interest (Bylaw 13.02.14)Boosters are individuals who have:

  • Participated in or been a member of an agency that promoted or promotes Clemson athletics;
  • Has made a financial donation to Clemson athletics or IPTAY;
  • Has been requested by athletic department staff to assist in recruitment of PSA’s, or is assisting in recruitment of PSA’s
  • Has assisted in providing benefits to enrolled student-athletes; or
  • Is otherwise involved in promoting Clemson athletics.

The NCAA places restrictions on the amount of contact that a booster is permitted to have with student-athletes. Once Clemson athletics identifies someone as a booster or representative of athletic interest, they will remain as such forever. Therefore, please be aware of anyone attempting to give you tangible items due to your athletic reputation; accepting a gift could possibly put your elibility at risk.

If you have any questions regarding Boosters or Representatives of Athletic Interest, please contact Compliance Services.

Agents (NCAA Bylaw 12.3.1)In order to maintain amateur status, an enrolled student-athlete or prospective student-athlete may not agree to representation orally or written by an agent, advisor or runner for the purpose of marketing their athletic abilities.

In addition, an enrolled student-athlete or prospective student-athlete may not accept money, transportation or any other benefits from an agent, advisor or runner.

If an agent contacts any student-athletes, please direct them to Compliance Services.

Gambling (NCAA Bylaw 10.3)Student-athletes are prohibited from placing, accepting or soliciting a wager of any type with any individual or organization on any intercollegiate, amateur or professional team or contest sponsored by the NCAA.

Examples of gambling include but are not limited to:

  • The use of a bookmaker or parlay cards;
  • Internet sports gambling;
  • Auctions in which bids are placed on teams, individuals or contests; and
  • Pools or fantasy leagues that an entry fee is required and there is an opportunity to win a prize.

NCAA Drug Policy (NCAA Bylaw a student-athlete fails an NCAA administered drug test, the student-athlete will be declared ineligible upon receiving the results.

  • If found to have failed the drug test due to a “street drug” as defined by the NCAA, the student-athlete will be charged with a loss of 50% of a season in all sports.
  • If found to have failed the drug test because of any other drug (“performance enhancer”) the student-athlete will be ineligible for competition for 365 from the date of the positive test result and be charged a season of competition. 

In addition, if a student-athlete misses his or her drug testing appointment or is caught tampering with a specimen, it will result in automatic failure of a drug test.

Second time offenders of the NCAA Drug Policy will lose the remaining years of their athletic eligibility unless they test positive for a “street drug.”

Banned Drugs:

  • Stimulants;
  • Anabolic Steroids;
  • Substances banned for specific sports;
  • Diuretics and other masking agents;
  • Street Drugs;
  • Peptide hormones and analogues; and
  • Anti-estrogen agents

Employment  [TIP SHEET]Student-athletes are permitted to work during the academic year. However, student-athletes are required to report their employment to Compliance Services.  (NCAA Bylaw 15.2.7)

In order for Compliance Services to approve employment of a student-athlete, the job must meet the guidelines below:

  • Student-athletes must be paid based on work actually performed;
  • Student-athletes must be paid the going rate; and
  • Student-athletes may not be employed anywhere if the employer plans to benefit due to your athletic reputation.

Student-athletes are permitted to provide Fee-for-Lessons (skill instruction for compensation) provided:   (NCAA Bylaw

  • Instructional facilities are not used;
  • Playing lessons shall not be permitted (solely competing against each other is not permissible);
  • Compliance Services approval of the lessons;
  • A family (not another entity or organization) pays for the lessons;
  • The student-athlete does not use his or her name, picture or appearance to promote or advertise availability for fee-for-lesson; and
  • Compensation is comparable to private lessons that would involve more than one individual.

Note: All employment must be on file in Compliance Services

Student-Athlete Employment Form (completed via ARMS)
