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Being a memberof the IPTAY Collegiate Club provides you great benefits both now and later.Here are just a few…

  • Prioritypoints for the IPTAY Collegiate Club
  • Opportunityfor Football and Basketball Block seating
  • Opportunityfor early ticket distribution for Football and Basketball games
  • 35 issues of the Orange andWhite, the official newspaper of Clemson Athletics (Online Edition)
  • Opportunity for away game trips For some of the away football and baseball games, the IPTAY CollegiateClub will be able to reserve chartered buses. Members of the CollegiateClub will be able to reserve a seat on the bus for a minimal price. Weprobably will not be able to do this for basketball games, because we willnot be able to get enough tickets for away basketball games.
  • IPTAY Collegiate Club T-Shirt/ The OZONE When the IPTAY CC enters a venue the OZONE is created. Please wear this shirt to all of the sporting events you attend. This will show the coaches, playersand the University that the Collegiate Club is strongly supporting ClemsonAthletics. Click here to view the OZONE shirt
  • DiscountCard-52 Discounts at Local Merchants
  • Window Decal
  • Membership card Be sure to have this with you when you pick up your football and basketballtickets. You also have to have your membership card with you at all ofthe events in which you have the opportunity to earn points.
  • Opportunity to meet with Clemson coaches and players During the semester, we wil have social events where Clemson coachesand players will speak and socialize.
  • Cumulative credit on your IPTAY account toward ticket priority when yougraduate All of the money you pay for your IPTAY Collegiate Club dues ($30 ayear) will go on your IPTAY account. When you become an alumni and youwant to order season tickets ticket priority is based on cummulative givingsto IPTAY. Therefore, you will have a head start on those students who werenot involved in the Collegiate Club.
